Making a company video.


Ready to take your first steps in corporate video marketing? Smart! By allowing us to make you corporate movie, you will strengthen your brand identity and create a direct line of communication between your brand and your audience.

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MOTCHA bedrijfsvideo

Corporate video marketing allows you to improve:

  • findability (SEO)
  • innovation
  • user friendliness (UX)
  • mobile first
  • efficient communication
  • social media & shareability 


Different kinds of corporate video

Investing in a customized corporate video is a very smart move. Not only the content, but also the form can easily be adapted. Which goals do you want to reach? Who is the audience you are making the corporate video for? Which channels will you use to broadcast your video on? With the right answers you’ll end up with a film that you will be able to use for years.

No idea which video is best suited for you? You’ll discover which kinds of corporate movies you can have made here.

MOTCHA - beurs video CEBEO
Exhibition/fair video

Exhibition/fair video


Are you showcasing your brand at a trade show, exhibition or seminar? Make sure passersby see exactly what your brand really stands for with inspiring atmospheric images and attention-grabbing visuals that reflect the identity of your brand. 

MOTCHA Bedrijfsvideo
Brand video

Brand video


A brand video allows you to enhance your brand awareness and show the world exactly who you are. You reach out to potential clients, inspire new team members and showcase your unique identity.

Motcha Employee training video
Motcha Employee training video

Employee training video


Specific employee training videos save you and your trainers a lot of time. The recordings of these trainings can be used for years as they capture your trainers’ unwavering expertise.

MOTCHA employer branding video
MOTCHA employee branding video

Employer branding video


With an employer branding video it’s not about putting your brand in the spotlight, but your identity as an employer. With this type of video you reach out to potential talent from elsewhere and you also clearly identify yourself as an employer who is open to new recruits.  

MOTCHA recruitment video
Recruitment video

Recruitment video


Looking for specific function profiles for the growth of your company? Then attract specialized talent by means of a recruitment video. That way you can be very straightforward about the people you are looking for, what it takes to join your company and what employees can expect in return for their hard work.

MOTCHA Veiligheidsvideo
Safety video

Safety video


Safety videos are highly recommended to visualize the dangers in the workplace in a manner that is both clear and detailed, so your employees can protect themselves against potential harm. This saves time and improves the safety of all your new colleagues.